Can an older dog learn new tricks? -yes – if the trainer is John from Confetti Dogs. We have a 7 year old female bichon mix who is a wonderful dog if you are not walking her outside. Since the day we got her 3 years ago (she is a rescue) when I walked her in our neighborhood she barked at every car, person, dog and birds. I could not talk to any of my neighbors because of her non-stop barking. She also constantly pulled me and lunged at cars. This 12 pound terror had been through training with someone who suggested that once she was spayed she would calm down (she didn’t), a citronella collar, an e-collar (it didn’t stop her barking at any intensity), a barking specialist (she only didn’t bark for him), a behavior vet who wanted her sedated before every walk…..we failed with everything. Then one day I saw the Confetti Dog van that described my dog. We set up a phone call, then an in home evaluation and then started working with John. He is so calm and pleasant. Using his method of food claiming, a deterrent to unwanted behavior (a spray bottle with water), treats for good behavior, walking when not hyper, a micro prong collar etc. after 5 weeks of twice weekly classes, Toni is not pulling, not barking at cars, dogs, people, bikes. The best part is all the training was done in my house and neighborhood where all my walking problems occur. I have been able to stop and talk to people for the first time in 3 years with my dog. John trains the person as much as your dog. We even had classes in Baker Park, a place I was afraid to go with Toni since she had barked at every person and dog there in the past; it was a pleasant experience after all the training John had done with Toni. I now look forward to my walks-what a difference 6 weeks has made in my life and Toni’s. John and Confetti Dogs have had such a positive effect on us. THANK YOU!!!

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